Invitation to a free hybrid training course (online and on-site) in the Ingolstadt area "Improving care management and quality of care after a stroke with regard to spasticity" Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Location: Bayerische TelemedAllianz (BTA), Brückenstr. 13 a, 85107 Baar-Ebenhausen near Ingolstadt Training points: 2
Be there when the GOIN doctors' network holds a training event. Seize the opportunity and get the latest information first hand. Enjoy entertaining lectures and look forward to the collegial exchange on site or online. You can also log in with your mobile phone if you download the Zoom app and scan the QR code.Here is the link to the Zoom meeting:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81845063402?pwd=K2E5djVwZU04bTQrL1NZb2NGSHFvZz09Your speakers / topics:Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried Jedamzik, general practitioner and 1st chairman of GO IN eV "General practitioners - specialists - analog and digital control poststroke" from 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Dr. Friedemann Müller, chief physician Schön Klinik Bad Aibling SE & Co KG "Motivation - analog and digital control poststroke" from 7:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Catering will be provided on site.
Neurologists play a central role in the use of the spasticity app.
That's why I would like to invite you to a short 8-minute SPEED meeting.
General practitioner and professor of computer science
18.01.2023 at 13:08 to 13:08
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19.01.2023 at 7 p.m. to 7:08 p.m.
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I am very much looking forward to your participation. Prior registration for the digital event is not necessary. When you dial in, you can add a pseudonym to your name and of course turn off the camera. The BTA and GOIN eV doctors' network team will be happy to provide you with technical support. Contact: 08453-33499-14 or email hess@telemedallianz.de.
"Improving care management and quality of care after a stroke with regard to the development of spasticity"Date: Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Speakers Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried Jedamzik
Managing Director, Bayerische Telemedallianz GmbH
Dr. med. Friedemann MüllerHead of Neurological Early Rehabilitation & Rehabilitation at the Schön Klinik Bad Aibling
Dr. med. SchrammSpecialist in Neurology, NeuroPraxis Fürth
14:00 - 14:45 | Lecture - Analogue and digital control poststroke in the general practice
Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried Jedamzik
14:45 - 15:30 | Lecture - Analogue and digital control poststroke in neurology
Dr. med. Friedemann Müller, head physician of neurological early rehabilitation & rehabilitation at the Schön Klinik Bad Aibling and Dr. med. Schramm, specialist in neurology, NeuroPraxis Fürth
3:30 p.m. | Discussion
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Meeting-ID: 833 8443 4500
Identification code: 263882
👉 The event was recognized by the BLÄK with 2 continuing education points.
We look forward to your participation. Prior registration for the digital event is not required. When you dial in, you can add a pseudonym to your name and of course turn off the camera. The BTA and GOIN eV doctors' network team will be happy to provide you with technical support. Contact: 08453-33499-14 or email hess@telemedallianz.de.
Spasticity app/SMART muscle conceptImproving care management and quality of care after a stroke Dates: September 6th, September 20th and September 29th, 2022Time: From 7:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. each daySpeaker: Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried Jedamzik Contents:Spasticity app www.spastik-app.de Since my many years of experience as a family doctor showed me how important the optimized care of stroke patients is, I developed a spasticity app with the support of Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Friedemann Müller, head physician of neurological early rehabilitation & rehabilitation at the Schön Klinik Bad Aibling Harthausen. This spasticity app supports patients after a stroke, helps them to pay attention to early signs of possible developing spasticity and to communicate early on with the right level of care (physiotherapist, family doctor or neurologist) regarding therapy. The spasticity app is the first digital patient-controlled spasticity screening and can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store or Google Play Store. Free online SMART muscle concept www.smart-muskelkonzept.deI personally took part in the online smart training for the optimized care of stroke patients who develop spasticity as a symptom after about 30 days to a year.This training was certified by the Botulinum Toxin Working Group with a total of 4 credit points and is intended to enable doctors to immediately treat spasticity patients with botulinum toxin.
Date: Sept. 20, 2022 7:15 p.m.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/81571536468?pwd=VnN6RmllMnRtVnBwTUJ0T3liSWZzZz09Meeting ID: 815 7153 6468Passcode: 837718Date: Sept. 29, 2022 7:15 p.m.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/87498510400?pwd=YURJOTZOSVBMY3pJRGFOSUoyb0Yzdz09Meeting ID: 874 9851 0400Passcode: 622721Prior registration for the digital event is not required. When you dial in, you can add a pseudonym to your name and, of course, turn off the camera.
The BTA team and the GOIN eV medical network are happy to provide you with technical support. Contact: 08453-33499-14
Hybrid event. In person and digitally connected
Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., in Baar-Ebenhausen near Ingolstadt.
To improve care management and quality after a stroke, we have developed a spasticity app.Image gallery:
Dr. med. Dipl-Psych. Friedemann Müller
Dr. med. Katrin Hüttemann
Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried JedamzikTarget group
General practitioners, neurologists, physiotherapists, MFAs and health care workers
14:00 - 14:05
Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried Jedamzik
Specialist in General Medicine
14:05 - 14:30
Spasticity development and treatment
Dr. med. Dipl-Psych. Friedemann Müller
Chief physician of neurological early rehabilitation & rehabilitation at the Schönklinik Bad Aibling
14:30 - 14:50
Smart Muscle Concept - The Botulinum Toxin Online Training for Doctors
Dr. med. Katrin Hüttemann
Senior physician of Neurological Early Rehabilitation & Rehabilitation at Schönklinik Bad Aibling
14:50 - 15:15
Function of the Spasticity App
Prof. Dr. med. Siegfried Jedamzik
Specialist in General Medicine
15:15 - 15:30
Stroke guidelineshttps://www.awmf.org/leitlinien/detail/ll/030-133.html
AWMF online: Guidelines for diagnosis and therapy in neurology. Therapy of spastic syndrome. German Society of Neurology
https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/030-078l_S2k_Therapie_spastic_Syndrom_2019-06-verlaengert.pdfShort version:https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/030-078k_S2k_Therapie_spastic_Syndrom_2019-06-verlaengert.pdfSpecialized doctorshttp://www.botulinumtoxin.de
Early clinical predictors of post-stroke spasticity
Note: For reasons of better readability, the male form is used for personal names. In the interests of equal treatment, corresponding terms generally apply to all genders. The shortened form of language is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any evaluation.
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