Therapy goal planning

For doctors - Therapy goal planning

Which patient is suitable for treatment with botulinum toxin A?

The treatment of patients with relatively well-preserved motor function and/or complex spastic patterns requires profound functional, topographical and anatomical knowledge.

Ultrasound is used as an injection control so that even small muscles can be treated.

The prerequisite for treating patients with spasticity after a stroke is optimal and clear patient selection: Does the patient have a classic flexion pattern?

It is important to carry out a diagnosis, assessment of spasticity and therapy goal planning.

Achieve therapy goals in the long term.

Characteristics of meaningful therapy goals.

Good therapy goals should also meet several criteria. They should:

    be concrete, be verifiable, be achievable, be useful in terms of reducing symptoms, be within one's own sphere of influence, include intermediate steps if necessary, be formulated positively


"In focal spasticity, focal drug injection treatment with botulinum toxin A (BoNT A) usually has a better benefit-risk ratio (see below) and should, where possible, be used before the use of oral antispastics (strong consensus)." (See source: Guidelines for diagnostics and therapy in neurology, p. 8)Source: AWMF online: Guidelines for diagnostics and therapy in neurology. Therapy of spastic syndrome. German Society of Neurology, p. 8Long version:

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